
Valerie Bonoan: “The voice and heart of an angel”

Valerie Bonoan strives to live and look like Jesus in everything that she does.  As co-director of Celebration Chapel, the sophomore integrated marketing communication major promotes community on campus by combining her love for God, […]

Campus Life

Pepperdine students feel the impact of online classes

Changing times.  Changing realities.  Missed connections.  Students are now finding themselves in their bedrooms instead of classrooms, the living room instead of the quad and sitting across a screen instead of other people. As they [...]

Pepperdine athletes fight against racial injustice

Many professional and collegiate-level athletes are taking a stand against racism and utilizing their platforms to amplify Black voices protesting against police violence.  After a summer of protests following the police-caused deaths of George Floyd [...]


In the Spotlight

Valerie Bonoan: “The voice and heart of an angel”

by Makena Huey in Faith Comments Off on Valerie Bonoan: “The voice and heart of an angel”

Valerie Bonoan strives to live and look like Jesus in everything that she does.  As co-director of Celebration Chapel, the sophomore integrated marketing communication major promotes community on campus by combining her love for God, [...]